Wednesday, February 11, 2009

cancer of the forearm

I am not good with doctors.  I am not good with the whole "diagnosing" process.  I don't have great experience with that in the past.

About seven months ago I went to the doctor in Jacksonville for a bump on my arm.  I had researched the bump online and didn't think it was anything to worry about until it started causing pain.  Turns out the bump was/is an abscess and the pain in my arm was a pulled muscle from lifting weights.  I felt rather stupid.

The doctor did inform me that if it started changing color or shape that I should come back and get it looked at a little closer.  About a month after this visit, the bump started morphing, not only in color and shape but also in size.  Since then it has gotten bigger, smaller, changed from red to pink to flesh tone to white-ish and I haven't gone back.  

I haven't gone back because I am convinced that I have cancer; who wants to go through that diagnosis?  Not me.  No thank you ma'am.

I am going back tomorrow because the bump is back to--or rather actually--causing pain.  I am pretty sure this isn't a pulled muscle.  There is a sort of dull ache around the center of the bump and then radiating pain that I feel mostly in my fingers as sharp pricks.  I am pretty sure I have cancer of the forearm and I am going back to the doctor.

As of this moment I have about eleven hours remaining where I am cognitively cancer free and I plan on using that time to plan my funeral.

There will be free elephant rides as well as rainbow parasols with Victorian lace trim.

You aren't invited.

1 comment:

dcinsider said...

Not invited!!! Well can I at least have your mac? Haha. JK! You're probably fine. Either your developing lung cancer or cirrhosis of your liver will kill you before this silly!